In the modern world, a new phenomenon has emerged in the global economy based on a “new idea”, presented by scientists and experts as the concept of “creative economics», “Creative Industries”. An analysis of the opinions of scientists shows that there is currently no common explanation for these concepts in the world community. However, despite this, it can be observed that it is based on the results of human mental labor.

It is worth noting that in world practice, there is also no general list of spheres of the creative economy, and each state, depending on the nature of its culture and development, determines the spheres of the creative economy. UN experts include in the creative economy the industries of fashion, cinematography, design, advertising services, crafts, music and other industries based on intellectual activity.

According to experts, creative industries are manufacturing industries whose main resources are creativity, intellectual property, talent and intellectual labor, with which they produce goods and services.

In a special issue of the 2013 Creative Economics report, it is noted that creativity and culture are processes or qualities closely related to imagination and the creation of new ideas, products or ways of interpreting the world that bring monetary and non–monetary benefits and can be considered important for human development. In the era of science and technology development, the flourishing of a creative economy based on knowledge, innovation, creativity and intellectual labor can become one of the driving factors of socio-economic development. Thus, according to the report of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development UNCTAD “Prospects for the creative economy in 2024”, the role of the creative economy in business and economic development was recognized as key.

According to the report, the contribution of the creative economy to the GDP of countries ranges from 0.5% to 7.3%, and it employs from 0.5% to 12.5% of the workforce. According to the report, exports of creative services in 2022 reached $1.4 trillion, an increase of 29% compared to 2017, and exports of creative goods reached $713 billion, an increase of 19%.

Over the past decade, the share of creative services in all exports of services has increased from 12% to 19%, while the share of creative goods in all exports of goods has remained stable at about 3% since 2002.

According to this report, developing countries mainly export creative goods, while developed countries dominate the export of creative services. At the same time, developing countries have significantly increased their share from 10% in 2010 to 20% in 2022.

In 2022, the exported services were software development services – 41.3%, research and development – 30.7%, advertising, marketing and architectural research – 15.5%, audiovisual services – 7.9%, information services – 4% and services in the field of culture, recreation and heritage.

This process, that is, the development of the “creative economy”, is most noticeable in post-industrial society, in developed countries. At the same time, it is worth noting that other States are also aware of its importance and are taking measures to implement this process themselves.

For example, in neighboring countries, the legislative framework for the creative economy has been established, including in the Russian Federation the Federal Law “On the Development of Creative Industries in the Russian Federation” dated 08.08.2024 No. 330-FZ, in Kazakhstan the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On approval of the Concept of Development of Creative Industries for 2021-2025”, dated 11/30/2021. No. 860, in the Kyrgyz Republic, the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic “On Creative Industrial Parks”, dated 08.08.2022, No. 88, which defines the concept and essence of activities in the field of” creative economy».

The draft Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “on creative economy” is also under consideration in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The National Development Strategy of the Republic of Tajikistan for the period up to 2030 also notes that “human capital is an important factor in the development of production and the economy, the quality of which largely determines the progress of all industries.” At the same time, the main areas of activity are defined as “stimulating the system of public-private partnership development to finance major projects for the development of cultural infrastructure and the creative industry, including with the participation of foreign investors” and “developing a set of measures to stimulate the development of creative teams, the development of a system for searching and supporting the gifted.”

It should be noted that, to implement these measures, republican talent search and development centers are operating in the republic. In addition, republican contests “The morning light of wisdom is a book”, «Tajikistan is my homeland”, «Science is the light of enlightenment” were also held, the announcement of the «Twentieth anniversary of the study and development of natural, exact and mathematical sciences” (2020-2040) will play an important role in this process.

The Tajik people are known as the founder of the ancient history of folk crafts. In today’s conditions, Folk crafts can be used not only as an element of heritage, but also as an effective source of development, becoming a reflection of national identity. The new creative product allows him to enter the domestic and foreign markets. All conditions have been created in the republic for the development of this industry.

Thus, it is worth noting that for the development of the “creative economy”, first of all, it is necessary to create effective infrastructure bases, including a legislative framework, development and training centers, associations, studying world experience in this field, creating clusters, increasing the role of the state in the development of priority areas of science, etc.

The introduction of the foundations of the «creative economy» contributes to the socio-economic progress of society, as:

— Creation of new areas of activity and new jobs;
— Development of innovative and digital economy;
— Diversification of goods and services;
— Efficient use of resources;
— Professional development of the employee;
— Honing knowledge and talent;
— Development of small and medium-sized businesses;
— Improving the socio-economic status of the region (city, district);
-Promotion and presentation of national culture.


Sodiqova A.F., Deputy Head,
Department of Entrepreneurship Research and
Private Sector of Center for Strategic Research
under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan

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